The power of imagination

Making time to share our dreams for Boulder's future can help us maintain hope in these challenging and chaotic times.

The power of imagination
Photo by Marija Zaric / Unsplash

Two weeks ago, appointed and elected officials from the city and county met with staff to discuss our hopes for our city's future. Spending time dreaming about the future felt odd, given the chaos and upheaval in our country.

I kept an open mind because modern-day organizers like Kelly Hayes, Mariame Kaba, and Prentis Hemphill often speak about imagination as central to any movement for change. Movement builders throughout history have also noted this relationship (e.g., Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose most famous speech was "I Have a Dream").

They were right. I felt better after a few hours imagining a city where everyone has what they need to be safe, feels a part of the community, and enjoys our beautiful environment.

A handful of people are working overtime right now, making us feel that our dreams are impossible.

This is intentional. If we give up on our dreams, only their dreams can shape our future.

Whether you dream of affordable housing or childcare, ending homelessness and encampments, a city without bias and discrimination, living wages, clean air and water, healthy food, or an accessible transportation system, remember that your dreams matter.

Please consider joining one of the upcoming Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan engagement events to share your dream for our city's future. Residents, workers, students, and visitors are all welcome.