How Things Work
The budget trap
Learn how Boulder funds many of its core services and why dedicating funding to specific uses exacerbates our budget challenges.
Descriptions of how a wide range of things work.
How Things Work
Learn how Boulder funds many of its core services and why dedicating funding to specific uses exacerbates our budget challenges.
How Things Work
Learn how and when the City Council identifies and sets its priority projects.
How Things Work
Answering community questions about our snow and ice response.
How Things Work
A call-up is an opportunity for the Council to review a decision made by a Board or Commission.
How Things Work
Quasi-judicial decisions are typically associated with call-up items and involve making a specific decision based on existing rules.
How Things Work
Learn what Boulder's Municipal Court does and what they're working on this year.
How Things Work
Learn about the different types of Council meetings, standard meeting formats, and how to join in the fun. Note: This guide applies to Council Meetings, but City Board and Commission meetings are formatted similarly.